Friday, February 10, 2012

#10 Axis Powers

There were many similar goals Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito all shared. The main goal was that all three countries hoped to conquer more land. In doing this, they plotted numerous acts of aggression to conquer more land.

In Germany, Hitler hoped to undo the Treaty of Versailles, which limited the size of Germany's army. Germany claimed they would not follow these provisions, and the League of Nations failed to stop them. This Treaty also prohibited Germany to enter the Rhineland, which was the buffer zone between Germany and France. France didn't attempt to stop them. By entering this land, Hitler strengthened his power and prestige in Germany.

In Italy, Mussolini and his troops invade Ethiopia, one of Africa's three independent nations, because they had successfully resisted an Italian attempt to conquest earlier on. Ethiopia was no match for Italy's weapons, and gave in.

Under power of Hirohito, Japan led two successful attacks or aggression. First, Japanese troops invade Manchuria, because its areas rich with iron and coal. This attack was the first direct challenge to the League of Nations, and once Japan seized Manchuria, they withdrew from the League. The next attack was when Japan invaded China. China was no match for Japan's trained and equipped soldiers, and they killed tens of thousands soldiers and civilians. China retreated and Japan seized China.

As shown in these three countries, Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito had all planned to gain power and land through aggression.

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