Monday, March 19, 2012

#12Cold War Thermometer

1: Cuban Missile Crisis: This took place in June, 1948. The countries involved in this were the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba. This event was a reaction to the Bay of Pigs. Khrushohev thought that the U.S. was weak and started to set up missiles in Cuba. This was in response to the missiles the U.S. built in Turkey. The United States demanded that they be removed from Cuba. This is number 1 because there were a few countries involved and if it didn't end up the war it did, the U.S could have been affected by the missiles the Soviets were putting in Cuba, and the Soviet Union could have been affected by the U.S. missiles in Turkey. This could have caused a whole new war.

2: Korean War: The countries involved in this were Korea, the Soviet Union, China and the UN forces. North and South were sperated at the 38th parallel. North Korea, with the help of the Soviet Union, invade South Korea. The UN, lead by Douglas MacArthur, helps South Korea. Chinese sends troops against the UN forces. A demilitarized zone was set to seperate North and South Korea. North Korea builds collective farms and nuclear weapons. South Korea had established democracy, growing economy with U.S. aid. U.S. contained communism. This event is number 2 because many countries were involved. One side would push the other back then it would get pushed back.

3: Vietnam War: The countries involved were Vietnam, France and the United States and it took place in the early 1900's. France wanted their colony back that they had lost in WWII that they lost when they were defeated by the Vietnamese. Vietnam was seperated on the 17th parallel into North, which was communist, and South, which was anti-communist. The U.S. got involved and aided the South. Eventually, the government they were defending was becoming unpopular and they were fighting in an unfamiliar terrain. Vietnam eventually united as one commnist government. This is number 3 because many countries were involved and effected by this event. Also, it ended with Vietnam being united as a communist government, which solved their differences.

4: Civil War in Iran: The countries involved in this were Iran, Iraq, U.S., and the Soviet Union. Pahlavi, the Iran leader, embraces the western government and oil companies. He is overthrown and later put back into power. Ayatollan Ruholla Khomeini, is a Muslim leader who sparks muslim revolts in Iran because he was against the Western ideas. In 1979, 60 American's were taken hostage in Tehran for 444 days. Muslim radicals take control in Iran and tension between Iran and Iraq increase. Iran and Iraq fight and the U.S. aids both sides and the USSR helps Iraq. This is ranked number 4 because there were countries involved on both sides and that could have caused tension between the countries who were aiding them, like the U.S. and the Soviets.

5: Civil War in China: The countries involved in this were China and Japan. There was a communist leader Mao Zedong, who gave peasants land and armed them with weapons and the communist movement grew. The communists created the People's Republic of China, which was backed by the USSR. There was a Nationalists leader Jiang Jieshi, who took the money given to him by the U.S. government and gave it to corrupt military officers. He saved the best troops fight communist, not the Japenese. The trooops are crushed by the Japanese and the Nationalist movement started to weaken. Nationalists form the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan. This is number 5 because it was just within China and involved a little of Japan.

6: Berlin Airlift: The countries involved in this were the U.S, the Soviet Union and Germany. The Soviets made a blockade around Berlin and cut off all ground access to Berlin. The purpose of the Berlin Airlift was to prevent the take over of west Berlin by the Soviets. The U.S. sent supplies to west Berlin on planes to keep them from being without neccasary goods. It was a success for containment. Berlin is divided. The United States looks good while the USSR looks bad. This is number 6 because it was a success for the U.S. and berlin got divided as well as the rest of Germany. 

7: Conflict in Hungary: The countries involved in this were Hungary and the Soviet Union. The Hungarians wanted and demanded freedoms from their communist government. The Hungarian army joined with protesters and went through the capital. Imre Nagy, the Hungarian communist leader, formed a new government and tried to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact. He demanded that the Soviet troops to leave and free elections. Soviet tanks and infantry entered the capital, Budapest. The Hungarians were overwhelemed and a pro Soviet government was installed. This is number 7 because the Hungarians had fought against their Soviet governemnt and tried to break form the Communist rule but were unsuccessful.

8: Conflict in Afghanistan: The countries involved in this were Afghanistan, Soviets, and the U.S.. Soviets invade Afghanistan to help the communist government. The United States aids the Mujahedeen, who fight guerilla war against Soviets with U.S. weapons. The United States stopped grain shipments to the Soviet Union and in 1989 the Soviets withdraw. This is number 8 because there were few countries involved and the Soviets ended up withdrawing from the war.

9: Conflict in Czechoslovakia: The countries involved in this event were Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. Czechoslovakia tried to leave the Warsaw Pact which had upset the Soviet Union. The Czech communist leader Alexander Dubcek decided to loosen the controls on censorship. This period of reform, the Czech's capital bloomed with new ideas which was called Prague Spring. This broke the Brezhner Doctrine, which said the Soviet Union had the right to prevent its satellites from rejecting communism. The Warsaw Pact nations invaded Czechoslovakia. This event is number 9 because it was between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovakia was invaded and returned to communism.

10:  Civil War in Nicaragua: This event involved Nicaragua. Ahastasio Somoza was the dictator, who was supported by the U.S.. Ortega was a Sandinista who led the rebel force in Nicaragua. The Sandinistas were the communists and the Contras were the anti-communist group, they were supported by the U.S.. In 1990, Nicaragua heldd a free-election and the Sandinistas lost. This is ranked number 10 because it was very mild and the communists lost.

11: Bay of Pigs: The countries involved in this event were the United States and Cuba. In the early 1960's, the CIA came up with a plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. They sent Cuban exiles to invade Cuba. John F. Kennedy cancelled the U.S. air support to Cuba and the mission had failed. This is event is number 11 because the event had failed.

12: Cultural Revolution: The county involved in this event was China. In 1966, China wanted to get rid of the four olds; which are ideas, culture, customs, and habits. The Red Guard, which was a group made up of college and high school students, wanted to build a society of peasants and workers and close down factories and threaten farming production. In 1968, Mao decided to imprision and excute the memembers of the Red Guard. This is number 12 because this event only concerned China, so it didn't really have a great affect on countries around the world.

Friday, February 24, 2012

#11 WWII Battles

One battle from the European Theater was the Battle of Dunkirk. This Battle was also called the "Phony War" or, instead of Battle, Rescue of Dunkirk. The French built a Maginot line on its Eastern border, but the Germans never came. With the Germans in the air only three miles away, the final Allied ship departed, leaving two French divisions defending the perimeter, who later surrendered. However, although the Allies surrendered, they were able to save 332,226 men.

I think the Battle of Dunkirk is important because several Allied men were able to depart, and many survived. When the French attacked the Germans, and beat them, they had 332,226 more men than they would've had if they hadn't departed, and they helped in conquering the Germans. Also, although the Germans conquered the land, the French were able to win it back.

One battle from the Pacific Theater was Pearl Harbor. This battle started on December 7, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. It was a surprise attack on the Americans. The attack was intended to prevent the U.S Pacific fleet from interfering with Japan's military actions to attack other European countries. During the attack, nearly 20 American naval vessels, and 400 airplanes were destoryed. Also, over 2,000 Americans were killed and 1,000 were left wounded. The U.S. expected the attack, but did not know when or where it would occur. The day after the attack, FDR declares war on Japan, and three days later, Germany and Italy declare war on America.

I think Pearl Harbor is significant because, although there were many lifes suffered, there is continued freedom throughout our world. Also, the "Great Depression" in the U.S. decreased and people starting having jobs, which led to more money coming in, which led to the depression eventually ending. If the attack was successful, we may not have had the freedoms that we have today.

Friday, February 10, 2012

#10 Axis Powers

There were many similar goals Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito all shared. The main goal was that all three countries hoped to conquer more land. In doing this, they plotted numerous acts of aggression to conquer more land.

In Germany, Hitler hoped to undo the Treaty of Versailles, which limited the size of Germany's army. Germany claimed they would not follow these provisions, and the League of Nations failed to stop them. This Treaty also prohibited Germany to enter the Rhineland, which was the buffer zone between Germany and France. France didn't attempt to stop them. By entering this land, Hitler strengthened his power and prestige in Germany.

In Italy, Mussolini and his troops invade Ethiopia, one of Africa's three independent nations, because they had successfully resisted an Italian attempt to conquest earlier on. Ethiopia was no match for Italy's weapons, and gave in.

Under power of Hirohito, Japan led two successful attacks or aggression. First, Japanese troops invade Manchuria, because its areas rich with iron and coal. This attack was the first direct challenge to the League of Nations, and once Japan seized Manchuria, they withdrew from the League. The next attack was when Japan invaded China. China was no match for Japan's trained and equipped soldiers, and they killed tens of thousands soldiers and civilians. China retreated and Japan seized China.

As shown in these three countries, Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito had all planned to gain power and land through aggression.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

#9 Stalin

Overall, Stalin was a bad leader for the Soviet Union. However, he did do some things that improved people's lives. Some things that he did were creating the Five-Year Plans. These methods produced impressive economic results. Also, the Soviets made substansial gains. From 1928 to 1937, industrial production of steel increased more than 25 percent. During his rule, women's roles greatly expanded. The people were better educated and mastered new technical skills. In 1917 the Bolshevick Revolution declared men and women equal.

Although good things came out of Stalin's rule, there were more disadvantages of him as a dictator. One negative thing about him was religious persecution. He aimed to replace religious teachings with the ideas of communism. The Russian Orthodox Church was the main target of persecution. Many religious leaders were killed or sent to labor camps. Stalin's rule eliminated personal rights and freedoms. Another disadvantage of Stalin's rule was also the Five-Year Plans. Although there were positive effects out of it, there were more negative. People faced severe shortages of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods. Also, many of the targets of the Plan fell short.

In conclusion, there were more disadvantages of Stalin's rule. He created several shortages and many people were persecuted for their beliefs. Religion was taken over by communism. People's personal rights were limited and freedoms were also limited in favor of the power of the state. By achieving this Communist society, it came at a tremendous cost to the Soviet citizens. In result, this shows that Stalin was a bad leader for the Soviet Union.